Sunday, December 25, 2011


Hello readers,
Im sitting here in a boring room. Looking through the window and see the rain pouring onto the land of UTM. Thinking what i had done in UTM and I realized that I already in the final week before study week. I think about many things but what I'm really loved to think is my friends in here. Yeah becoz we are too LEGEND. huhu.
Friendship is not something that u can see and touch but u can feel it. 

I got many friends in here but they are some of them that I really closed too. Last time factory visit quiet awesome becoz we got a chance to hang out after the visit. We went to Dataran Pahlawan Melaka. We spend our time there. To all my fellow friends, I got something for you. Here :-

This picture make me remembered about the quotes time will fly but our love will never die. Then I change it to friendship quote.

Look like a family

Sry, I'm lost too.





Aishah showed her friendship band

2 cowboys sesat with happy feet. lol

Look like Br*bk Mountain. :p

Anyone interested with him?

Playing with bubbles~

Can't see any Hazirah photo. lol. Ikmal n Kak Bella could not join due to Jbt Pertahanan Awam's Camp.

ok see u next time. This internet so damn slow.



  1. sumpah best gler..mmg kent0t r ak ngan kak bella x dpt g..huhu..an0ther visit????

  2. citer ckit ape2 yg penting dlm visit nie..sumpah ak x taw mende..nanti kan ad test seminar..huhu
