Friday, December 16, 2011

Let the past goes by~

Hello readers,
This weekend some of my friends went to vacation with their family. Seeing them having so much excitement really made me jealous. Jealous of what? haha. Well, just thinking when is the last my family and I spend time together. I think that time 5 years ago when I'm in form 2. It was a very long time ago. Event I know about the Kota Kinabalu when I'm in Matriculation Program bcoz I drove 'Zorro' to see my friends at Uitm KK and loiter with them. There are some factors why this family crisis happen.

Ppl always blame on their parents when something bad happen to them. But for me, we can't blame them completely. We should blame our self too. We need to thing what are we going to be in the future. A good person or a bad one. So think wisely.

This happen in my family,
Father - He is a hot-tempered man but never act byond the limit. A very responsible man. Always busy with his work and only spend his time with his family rarely. Seeing my friend's father always make me think and saying inside "I want a better father" but what can I do. He is my one and only father. What can I do is just understand him. I know that he had a very heavy responsible to take care of since he is one of "org kuat" JPHPT in Sabah, treat other people and he also have to take care of 2 families. That is not an easy job to handle. I knew that he tried his best. So, I just support him instead of adding trouble for him. 

She is a very good person. Always took care of us and complain to us. Sometime, she whine too much. hahaha. but can I do, she must felt stress since my father married another one. So, I always become her victim by hearing all "luahan hati". Her dream is to go to Mekah and menunaikan haji or Umrah. I hope one day I can bring her there.

So, no matter what happen. we should love our parents bcoz they love us from we born until we die. Just layan karenah2 yg mereka tunjukkan.

Other family members,
They all good and I enjoyed my self when I'm with them. But what can I do, Most of them already work and continued their studies. I am the 5th but the range of my age with with the 4th is 5 years. lol

We cannot just wait around and hope evrything will be settle down. We should do something to strengthen our family relationship. That is why i bought a camera. I hope the next Raya I can make it more meaningful compared to the past few years. And my dream is to make an area in my house full with pictures shows the happy moments in my family. I just pray to Allah that my dream will be accomplished. I also hope one day when I already work, I will spend my family's members to go on vacation. One day. I will.

Thats all for today. thx


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